American Heroin: Medicine, Crisis, Epidemic – Part 2: Needles in the Haystack
From heroin’s origins to the pathways it takes to enter the country and the effect it has on cities and states around the U.S., this map is intended to give a broad stroke...
Clinical Psychologist Career Profile
Clinical psychology is a branch of psychology that helps patients overcome mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. Clinical psychologists study the reasons why people make certain decisions and why they act in certain ways. They...
Study: Our Smartphones Make Us Dumber
A new study reinforced the hypothesis that the proximity of a smartphone owner’s mobile device can affect his or her cognitive ability. Marketing and management researchers from the University of California-San Diego, the University of...
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Job Description
Psychiatric-mental health nurses (or PMHNs) are healthcare professionals who work with individuals and families suffering from psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, dementia and schizophrenia. Work Environment PMHNs can work in a variety of locales,...
Mental Health Awareness Day
See the person not the illness, take action, take the pledge and be stigma free. Don't be afraid to talk about mental health today by sharing our awareness infographic below!
How Does Addiction Affect the Brain?
Addiction is dangerous. It has the power to warp reality and can shatter personal and professional relationships. For a long time, it was a difficult term to define. In Latin, the word literally means...
Get a Grip on Anxiety – 5 Ways to Relieve Test Stress
Anxiety affects us all at one point or another. While people don’t necessarily get stressed out over the same things, the effects of anxiety over time are all similar. Prolonged bouts of stress can...
Psychological Therapy Could Help Prevent Childhood Anxiety
Anxious parents tend to raise anxious children. But it doesn’t have to be that way. According to a 2014 study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry, preventative therapy and a change in parenting can...
How to Become an Art Therapist
An art therapist uses art to help patients discover truths about themselves and the world. The connection between art and wellness has long been understood by therapists in all disciplines. The self-expression and satisfaction that...