Apple’s New CareKit Will Allow for the Creation of Personal Health Apps
A new Apple tool dubbed CareKit slated to launch in April will enable developers and healthcare professionals to create new interactive healthcare-related apps, according to a news release from CareKit is designed to work...
New Kidney Transplant Procedure Allows for Any Donor
The stark reality for many people waiting to receive an organ transplant is that they just might die before a compatible donor is found. But a new procedure for kidney transplants recently detailed in The...
Executives Say 2016 Healthcare Technology Trends Key to Success
Healthcare executives have a generally positive outlook for the industry over the coming year, according to an April 2016 study from CIT Group, and are optimistic about mergers and acquisitions, increased revenue and advances...
Hey Kids: Pick up That Video Game and Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables
Video games and nutrition are often placed at opposite ends of the spectrum, with most parents envisioning the typical gamer sprawled on a couch with a controller in one hand and a bag of...
Harvard Researchers Use Apple’s ResearchKit to Create Health App for Former NFL Players
While the love of football is undiminished in the United States, an increasing chorus of health professionals and others are expressing concern for the present and future health of the men who play the...
Gene Test Can Take Chemo Out of Breast Cancer Treatments
A significant number of breast cancer patients may never have to experience unnecessary chemo therapy again. A new study conducted by the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group and sponsored by the National Cancer Institute has revealed...
DIY DNA Testing Now Available to the Public
Ever wondered what lurks in your DNA? Worried that you might be at risk for passing down diseases to your offspring? Well, now you can find out – and do it yourself. The U.S. Food and...
Virtual Reality Being Used to Change Medical Education and Save Lives
From the time we’re kids to adults, we practice how to do things. We practice and learn how to tie our shoes, how to jump rope, how to drive stick shift, how to hit...
First Ever 3D Printed Drug Available in U.S. Market
More than five million people in the United States have been diagnosed with epilepsy or other seizure disorders, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Three million people suffer from active epilepsy. Almost...
EHR Integration Hindered by Business Decisions, Not Technology
Despite being a field that regularly produces advances in treatment, healthcare in some ways remains behind the curve in terms of sharing data. Case in point: Electronic Health Records, or EHR, is “a longitudinal electronic...