Critical Thinking Skills Pay Off: New Species Found Hiding in Plain Sight
Critical thinking skills and sharp observation are among the soft skills students can develop to secure a competitive edge in the workplace. Sometimes those skills can even lead to new discoveries. A team of...
New Stem Cell Therapy – Growing Human Blood Vessels for Bioengineered Tissue
Bioengineering techniques that grow transplant tissue have been around for years. However, the process of vascularizing the tissue has proven to be a tough challenge. Without a way for blood vessels to bring nutrients...
Personalized Medicine Gives New Hope to Lung Cancer Patients
Innovative genetic research is changing the way doctors are treating their patients, especially in the fight against cancer. It is now possible for doctors to look at cancer cases individually by looking at the...
New Discovery Sheds Light on a Genetic Origin
Carlos Bustamante and his colleagues at Stanford University in California recently published an article shedding new light on the possible genetic origins of men. The researchers sequenced the complete genome of the Y chromosome...
National Institutes of Health Collaborate to Find Breakthrough for Asthmatics
The National Institutes of Health recognizes a critical air pollution analysis device for its potential extensive impact on asthma monitoring and...
Dyslexia may be a Result of Brain Connectivity
Impaired connections between the brain’s auditory and speech centers may cause dyslexia, according to a study recently published in Science. Bart Boets, a clinical psychologist at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, led a...
Students Chasing Sleep Turn to Melatonin, But Should They?
Recent research studies reviewed by the National Sleep Foundation indicated that melatonin can be effective for some types of mild insomnia. This may be good news for college students who find themselves staying up...