Tuesday, May 14, 2024
National Junk Food Day

National Junk Food Day: ‘Celebrating’ the American Diet

Today is National Junk Food Day, and we know what you are thinking: Isn’t every day in America “National Junk Food Day?” To which we respond, “Well, sure, but not officially.” National Junk Food...
Healthcare Growth

Survey: Healthcare Growth Expected to Continue, No Matter What Happens with ACA

As the attempt by congressional Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act hangs in the balance, it's worth a quick look back at the relative uncertainty that surrounded the healthcare industry almost from the...
Healthcare 2017

Three of the Top Issues Facing Healthcare in the Second Half of 2017

While the healthcare industry continues to expand and remains one of the country’s top providers of jobs across many different careers, it also faces a variety of tough challenges the rest of this year...
Healthcare Websites

10 Blogs & Websites Every Healthcare Professional Should Bookmark

The fact is that there are hundreds of websites and blogs created for the healthcare community, many with conflicting or competing takes on news, policy and analysis. Trying to utilize the collective resources of...

Stay Cool: Heat Awareness Day

Climate change did not create hot summers. In the Northern Hemisphere, as far as climate scientists know, the weather always has taken a turn for the significantly warmer during those months when the Earth's...
National Student Nurses Day

7 Tips to Help Nurses Keep Math Skills Sharp

Some people consider having skills in math the equivalent to having skills as an athlete. Much like a sports star, some people are naturally gifted and others are not, and nothing can change that...
Autism Awareness

Light it up Blue for World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day shines a light on the growing global health crisis that is autism. The disorder affects 1 in 68 children and is the fastest growing developmental disorder in the United States. For...

The Story of Down Syndrome: Past and Present

Approximately 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome each year in the United States. That is one out of every 691 babies, making Down syndrome the most common genetic condition. Every cell in the human...

American Heroin Part 3: Hope and Recovery

As perceptions among lawmakers and medical professionals shift toward seeing the current heroin epidemic as a public health crisis, policies are slowly falling into place that are aimed at saving lives. But despite these...
American Heroin: Needles in the Haystack

American Heroin: Medicine, Crisis, Epidemic – Part 2: Needles in the Haystack

From heroin’s origins to the pathways it takes to enter the country and the effect it has on cities and states around the U.S., this map is intended to give a broad stroke...